Monday, 16 September 2013

Network Basic


Local Area Network(LAN)
-is a network connects computers and devices in a limited geographical area.
-Wireless LAN (WLAN) is a LAN uses no physical wires

Advantages Of LAN:
-Easy to share devices
-Easy to share data
-Low cost

Disadvantages Of LAN:
-Covered a limited area
-Power need to be on all the time for a good LAN
-Can reduce speed for each computer if all computers running at once

Metropolitan Area Network(MAN):
-Is a high speed network that connects local area network in a metropolitan area and handles the bulk of communications activity across that region
-Campus Area Network(CAN) is a type of MAN that made up of an interconnection of local area network(LAN's) within a limited geographical area

Advantages of MAN:
-efficiency and shared access
-All computer-owning residents of an area have equal ability to go on line

Disadvantages of MAN:
-Security problems
-Connection can become quite slow

Wide Area Network(WAN):
-Is a network that covers a large geographic area using a communications channel

Advantages Of WAN:
-Increased efficiency
-Ease of communication
-Low costs

Disadvantages Of WAN:
-Security problems
-Training costs
-Maintenance problems

Comparison between LAN,MAN &WAN

LAN: (local area network) A group of computers that share a common connection and are usually in a small area or even in the same building. For example an office or home network. They are usually connected by Ethernet cables and have high speed connections. If it was a wireless setup it would be called a WLAN, which would have a lower connection speed. 
MAN: (metropolitan area network) This is a larger network that connects computer users in a particular  geographic area or region. For example a large university may have a network so large that it may be classified as a MAN. The MAN network usually exist to provide connectivity to local ISPs, cable tv, or large corporations. It is far larger than a LAN and smaller than a WAN. Also large cities like London and Sydney, Australia have metropolitan area networks.

WAN: (wide area network) This is the largest network and can interconnect networks throughout the world and is not restricted to a geographical location. The Internet is an example of a worldwide public WAN. Most WANs exist to connect LANs that are not in the same geographical area. This technology is high speed and very expensive to setup.

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